Anne Arundel Genealogical Society
What's New?
We're always trying to improve our website by adding new content and information about the Society.  Check back here often to see what we've been up to.
July 2024
  • Added AAGS "Digging Your Roots"  A Genealogy Fair to Celebrate AAGS 50th Anniversary to Meetings & Events
June 2024
February 2024
April 2023
         Added 7 Celtic Nations Genealogical Research to Ethnic Research in Research Handouts.
     •  Changed the menu item from Public Downloads to Research Handouts.
March 2023
         Added African American Genealogical Research to Ethnic Research in Research Handouts.
         Added DNA Testisng Companies and Genetic Genealogy and DNA Tests to Research Handouts.
January 2023 
January 2022 
November 2021
June 2021
  • Updated AA County Baltimore Sun Section of Readings Online. (Members Only)
May 2021
  • Updated AA County Baltimore Sun Section of Readings Online. (Members Only)
  • Added Anne Arundel County Revolutionary War/War of 1812/DAR Members Burial information to Cemeteries section.
  • Added Anne Arundel County Korean War Burial information to Cemeteries section.
March 2021
  • Added Early Colonial Settlers Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties to Links section.
  • Added Anne Arundel County Immigrants Burial information to Cemeteries section.
February 2021
  • Clicking on Surname Research in the menu now takes you to instructions on how to use the Surname Database. You can either click the link at the bottom of the instruction page, or the Surname Database link in the menu to go to the database. 
  • After login, the Members Only menu item now includes a link to "How to Edit Surname" instructions. The instructions come up in a pop-up window that can be downloaded or printed.
January 2021
  • Rearranged Home page articles and added January 2021 program announcement to Home page.
  • Added new images to books in the Store
  • Updated AA County Baltimore Sun Section of Readings Online. (Members Only)