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St. Margaret Winchester Parish Cemetery (historic)
(Anne Arundel)
Near intersection of Route 50 and Route 450
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Old St. Margaret Winchester Parish Cemetery history

Also known as St. Margaret’s Winchester Parish #2, St. Margaret’s Second Church Cemetery

Tombstones range from 1851-1912
Five known burials
No known veterans

The second St. Margaret’s church was built between 1731 and 1734 on the East bank of the Severn River on Severn Heights, now known as Winchester Station. Wooden crosses marked the spot where Governor Robert Eden was buried under the pulpit in 1784.  His remains were believed moved to St. Anne’s Churchyard in Annapolis and the records are possibly with St. Margaret’s Church records. The remains of the others were supposedly moved to St. Anne’s Churchyard Cemetery in 2002 but were found at the Ridout Family Cemetery at “Whitehall”.

Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia, Helen Ridgely, 1908, p. 24