Anne Arundel Genealogical Society
Program Donation

If you are an Anne Arundel Genealogical Society member, you don't need to be here. All of our online programs are free for members. If you are not a member, we ask that you make a small, voluntary ($5) donation for each program you attend, to help us defray our expenses. If you feel that $5 is too much (or too little), you can adjust the amount below. 
After you click "Submit Donation", instructions are provided on making your payment through PayPal/credit card, or by mailing us a check. 
If you find yourself visiting this page often, you might consider joining AAGS.
Thank you for your interest in our programs, and for your support.
Place a Donation:
First Name: Required
Last Name: Required
Email Address: Required
Phone: Required, formatted as (000) 000-0000
Donation Amount (USD):   Required, $5.00 Minimum Donation, Format as 123.45
Donation Type:

I would like to make this donation anonymously. Please do not publish my name.
Donor Comments:

Address: Required
Address 2:
City: Required
State / Province: Required
Postal Code: Required