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St. James Episcopal Church
(Anne Arundel)
5757 Old Solomons Island Road
Lothian, Maryland 20711
(410) 867-2838
St. James Episcopal Church on FindAGrave

Also known as Old Herring Creeke Parish Cemetery

Tombstones range from 1850-2007
Over 1,000 known graves
Tombstones include Rev. War, WWI, WWII, and Korean veterans
The first church on this site was built in 1695 and the present structure completed in 1765. This church was established in 1692.  
Rev. Dr. Thomas John Claggett, 7th Rector of St. James, became the first Protestant and Episcopal Bishop to be consecrated in America.
The Maryland State Archives also has a list (Index 29-Church Records, Deaths and Burials Index, 16) for St. James (PE) Parish that was not used for this record.
The Birkhead stones, thought to be the oldest tombstones in Maryland, were previously located at “Birkhead’s Meadows” for more than 200 years. They were moved in 1888.
Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia by Helen W. Ridgely, 1908, p. 23
Anne Arundel’s Legacy, the Historic Properties of Anne Arundel County by Donna M. Ware, 1990, p. 49.
Tombstone Inscriptions of Southern Anne Arundel County by Marlborough Towne Chapter N.S.D.A.R., 1971, p. 84 Reconstructed records of burials listed in St. James’ Parish, Old Herring Creeke Parish, A History, Vol. II, 1800-1899 by Edith Stansbury Dallam, The Vestry and Library Committee, 1997.
A fire on Feb. 7, 1900 completely burned the Parish and with it the register of births, baptisms, marriages, and burials for over 50 years. A parish member, Miss Rachel Sophia Hall, and her committee, re-created the record as much as possible in two notebooks: “St. James’ Parish Register, 1890-1934” and “A Gift to St. James’ Parish by Descendants of Earlier Parishioners” through 1854.
Stained glass windows inside the church have been placed in memory of members of the church and their families.